Oh my! Hello there!
Once again I've let this little site fall into a stagnant state. Oh dear.
See, here's the thing: I've been working really hard on a lot of work I'd love to show you BUT I CAN'T. It's all for a show coming up this summer and I want it to be a half a surprise.
This little fella is for SLUG, a zine put out by the super fab people at the Purple Thistle who put out
Rain Zine. There site has a list of locations you can pick it up at! I recommend it. The last issue of Slug had some excellent articles, such as how to render fat.
In other news, here's what I've been doing at work:
These are my first three tattooed Grapefruits! From right to left here is my first, second, and third attempts. There little bodysuits go all around, but you get the idea.
These make me super happy. I want to do more so they can be BETTER.
Thanks to everyone.
Also, I updated the link list on the sidebar of this blog, so go creep my friends! They are WAY talented and I am lucky to have them.
Share the love.
Type at you soon,