Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Time Travel

Hey there!
I've been working on lots of secret projects lately so I haven't had much to share.
But then I found this.
I painted this when I was eleven years old.
My parents are/were wonderful and put me in after school art classes where I painted this. Now that I work at an art supply store I now realize that I was painting pictures of dragons, puppies, and pokemon, on what were probably $5 little chunks of paper. Follow your dreams.
Thanks Mom and Dad

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Silk Queen

Silk Queen
gouache and pencil crayon on paper

Framed! I need to pick up some glass for this little lady.

This is going to be alongside some other drawing of mine at a group show January 18th! The friends I'm showing with are super great. Get all the details here or here

And, one last but important thing: a HUGE thank you to io9 for posting my book Heirloom! I greatly appreciate the exposure and am flattered by the response. 


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Honey Honey

Honey Honey
ink & watercolour

2013 has been a productive year so far.

Friday, January 4, 2013

We all have some

She Protects Me
(Imaginary Friends)

Mixed media on rag paper 

I hope you all had a wonderful new years and all the best in 2013!
2012 was pretty sweet. Thanks for everything.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Wee Bat

This is what I made my best buddy, Brianne, for Christmas. Little albino bat, about 2.5"x3.5" ish,, all paper. 


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Night Fishers

These are teeeny tiny raccoons. Each is 2.5"x3" on rag paper.
Gonna frame them up and put them in a show.
